Are You Ready to Launch?

The PJX Media Newsletter: Vol. LXVI

Greenhouse at Canary Wharf

In this month’s feature-packed newsletter, we get you ready to launch your Q3 & Q4 campaigns! We give you Programmatic OOH tactics for success, unveil strategies and advantages of billboard advertising and decode out of home media for marketers. We break all of this knowledge down in the following quick-read, bite-sized posts. Links are below but if you prefer to talk with a PJX Media team member, reach out to us here and we can call you for a brief chat, develop your campaign goals and plan to deliver on them!

“Think of it this way, traditional DOOH is a 1 to many delivery but pDOOH is a 1 to “chosen” many.”



In the era of digital advertising, out-of-home (OOH) media has emerged as a powerful tool for reaching and engaging with audiences in the physical world. With the advent of programmatic digital out-of-home (DOOH) media, advertisers now have unprecedented opportunities to deliver targeted, data-driven campaigns on prominent screens and billboards. To help you leverage the full potential of programmatic DOOH, we have compiled the top 10 tactics that will guide you towards success in this dynamic advertising landscape.

1. Dynamic Creative Optimization (DCO):

Harness the power of data and automation to create personalized and contextually relevant ads in real-time. DCO allows you to tailor your creative content based on factors such as weather, time of day, location, and audience demographics, ensuring maximum impact and engagement.

2. Audience Segmentation:

Utilize the rich data available through programmatic DOOH to segment your target audience effectively. Leverage data points such as location, demographics, behavioral patterns, and interests to deliver tailored messages to specific consumer groups, enhancing campaign effectiveness.

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Billboard advertising has proven to be a compelling and impactful medium for reaching a wide audience and promoting brands effectively. In this blog post, we will explore the advantages of billboard advertising and the strategies for optimizing its potential. Drawing insights from our experienced team at PJX Media, we will delve into the key benefits, creative techniques, and the underlying psychology that makes billboard advertising work. We aim to provide marketers with valuable knowledge and practical tips for leveraging this traditional yet highly effective advertising method.

Advantages of Billboard Advertising:

Maximum Visibility: Billboards offer unparalleled visibility, targeting both drivers and pedestrians in high-traffic areas, ensuring widespread exposure for your brand.

Wide Reach: By strategically placing billboards in strategic locations, businesses can effectively reach a broad audience, increasing brand awareness and potential customer engagement.

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Billboard advertising is a highly effective way to reach a wide audience and increase brand visibility. However, one of the key considerations for marketers is the cost involved. In this comprehensive blog post, we will delve into the factors that determine billboard advertising costs, will provide a detailed guide to understanding the pricing structure, factors influencing costs, and strategies for optimizing your billboard advertising budget.

Factors Influencing Billboard Advertising Costs:

Location: The location of the billboard plays a significant role in determining its cost. High-traffic areas, densely populated cities, and popular tourist destinations generally command higher prices due to increased exposure to potential customers.

Size and Format: The size and format of the billboard impact the cost. Larger billboards tend to be more expensive, as they offer greater visibility and impact. Additionally, digital billboards may have higher costs due to their dynamic and attention-grabbing capabilities.

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What is it?

Out-of-home media (OOH) is a form of advertising that reaches consumers outside of their homes in the physical world. Out of home media formats can range from the classic billboard to posters within a subway car and even the screens you see while charging electric vehicles. When a brand uses out-of-home media to reach consumers,  it’s one message being conveyed to many people, within one area and at the same time.  

How to use it.

Using OOH ads builds brand awareness, creating visibility and recognition. New & emerging brands can use out of home ads to introduce themselves to consumers. CPGs can use out of home to announce new products or new flavors, or share where their product is available, e.g. a nearby grocery store. Companies which are primarily B2B can make their presence noticeable at conferences like CES by choosing airport inventory, screens within rideshare vehicles, and even the door hangers on hotel rooms near the convention center.

You can also use out of home ads ...Read More

the peoples space rick robinson pjx media world out of home organization lisbon rick robinson

“Out of Home is the visual voice of commerce and culture.” - Rick Robinson, CEO, PJX Media



Take a walk with Rick Robinson, CEO, PJX Media, through The People’s Space, as he shares his years of experience teaching us how and why Out of Home media resonates with the public.

Rick takes you on a journey from telling to storytelling through the “theatre of the streets” discussing the path through various forms of OOH storytelling:

•Literal - Telling what it is and where I can get it.

•Aesthetic - The picture tells the story.

•Intrigue - There’s a dialogue - The OOH asks a question and you answer it.

•Humor - The answer is a punchline.

•Context - The message can only work in the environment where the media exists.

•Engagement - Makes a connection.

•Experiential - A physical experience in the OOH world.

View some of our latest campaigns

Real Media for Real Humans



Roscato is making life sweeter across the USA

Roscato Wines_Wash DC PJX Media

G/FORE is bringing color to the streets of LA

Cedars-Sinai is letting LA know who is #1

Cedars Sinai LA Bus Benches LA-5462

Visit Myrtle Beach wants you to come visit from anywhere in the USA

Visit Myrtle Beach Airport PJX Media


Programmatic DOOH: Unlocking Efficiency and Hyper-targeted Capabilities